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Life at Sentry Commercial

pool table at The REC

Behind The Scenes at The REC – Our New Pool Table Set Up!

Behind the scenes at The REC as we get our pool table set up! A big shout to our friends at T&M Billiards for breathing new life into our new table. All was going well… until you’re ready to play. We still need the almighty Cue ball! Stay tuned for updates (and for who will win The REC pool tournament)!

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SIOR transACT 360

Day Two of SIOR Global TransACT 360!

Sentry Commercial’s President Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE, FRICS and President of SIOR had an incredible time during yesterday’s kickoff of TransACT 360. This virtual event is an incredible opportunity to share insight and soak up wisdom from fellow industry professionals. Today is day 2 with a great lineup of sessions – and Duclos is eager to share what he learns with the Sentry Commercial team!

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Behind the scenes at The REC

Behind The Scenes of Our First Meeting at The REC With Our New Conferencing Platform!

Kicking off our first meeting at The REC with the new conferencing platform! Remote and in-person.

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Happy Birthday to Sentry Commercial's President and Co-Founder, Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE, FRICS!

Happy Birthday to Sentry Commercial’s President and Co-Founder, Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE, FRICS!

Celebrating the birthday of Sentry Commercial’s President and Co-Founder, Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE, FRICS at The REC today! Mark, we hope you have a fantastic day!

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commercial property advisors

Sentry Commercial Finalizes Acquisition of Commercial Property Advisors After 3-Year Partnership!

As we press forward into 2021, we are thrilled to announce a new milestone for our team – the acquisition of Commercial Property Advisors!

“Our partnership with CPA over the past 3 years has driven significant growth in our property management company,” said Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE, FRICS, President of Sentry Commercial.

“This opportunity gives us greater exposure in the markets that Sentry Commercial serves across the region. Property Management, Construction Management, and Brokerage & Advisory now will fly the same flags as we continue our growth plans.”

Sentry Commercial will continue to provide our clients, allies, and community with our unrivaled, collaborative approach and processes. Stay tuned as we move into this new chapter!

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Sentry Commercial’s New Desks Are In!

We got new desks at Sentry Commercial! More fun & more productivity!

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Stephanie Romano

Stephanie Romano’s First Few Days on The Job!

A few days in and Stephanie’s already making calls and is on the move!

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Stephanie Romano

Sentry Commercial Welcomes Stephanie Romano to The Brokerage and Advisory Team!

Very excited to officially welcome the newest addition to our Brokerage and Advisory Team, Stephanie Romano!

Stephanie is an experienced advisor in the CRE industry and is a part of the small handful of women specializing in Industrial Brokerage in the state of Connecticut and Southern New England. We are very lucky to have her on our team!


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Happy Easter

Happy Easter From Sentry Commercial!

Sentry Commercial wishes our partners and community a very happy and safe Easter!

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National Broker Roundtable

BISNOW Webinar National Broker Roundtable

Sentry Commercial’s President and Co-Founder, Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE, FRICS, will be a speaker in Bisnow’s National Industrial Broker Roundtable on Wednesday, March 31st!

Register to hear from top industrial brokers on how they are identifying opportunities and utilizing data, the trends they are seeing, and much more here

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Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Our team at Sentry Commercial hopes that you find more luck per square foot this St. Patrick’s Day – and maybe some gold too!

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CREi Influencer Award

Sentry Commercial’s President and Co-Founder, Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE, FRICS, Recognized in CREi

Congratulations to Sentry Commercial’s President and co-founder, Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE, FRICS, for being recognized in CREi: The 2021 Top LinkedIn Influencer’s in Commercial Real Estate!

Thank you to our wonderful partners for this recognition, and congratulations to all of those who made it!

For more information about CREi, click here.



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Employee Appreciation Day

Happy Employee Appreciation Day!

Without our team and their caring, collaborative efforts – Sentry Commercial would not be standing as strong as it is today. So here is a great big “thank you” to the team, your commitment is appreciated and deeply valued!


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Happy Birthday to Sentry Commercial's Industrial Specialist, Chris Duclos

Wishing Chris Duclos a Happy Birthday!

A very happy birthday to Sentry Commercial’s Industrial Specialist, Chris Duclos! We hope you have an amazing day and a fantastic year!

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Happy Sentry-versary Melissa!

Happy Sentry-Versary to Melissa Fernance!

Happy Sentry-Versary to Sentry Commercial’s team member, Melissa Fernance! March marks 22 years with Melissa! Thank you both for always caring, connecting, and collaborating with our team and partners!


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Happy Sentry-Versary to Leeann Duclos

Happy Sentry-Versary to this month’s team member, Leeann Duclos! Leann will have been with Sentry Commercial for 4 years. Thank you for all that you do!

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Happy President's Day

Happy President’s Day from Sentry Commercial!

Our team at Sentry Commercial wishes our partners a a healthy and happy President’s Day!

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Happy Birthday Nick Pinto!

Happy Birthday to One of Our Industrial Specialists, Nicholas Pinto!

Sentry Commercial wishes a very happy birthday to one of our Industrial Specialists, Nicholas Pinto! May this year bring you more laughter and success, per square foot!

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Levere’s Nonprofit Partnerships

Larry Levere, SIOR, Sentry Commercial’s Director of Office Brokerage, has been involved with non-profit partnerships for a duration of his time as an SIOR. His teamwork with nonprofit partnerships includes the representation of office users/buyers and landlords/sellers. His partnership with the nonprofit, FAVARH, has allowed him to join its Board, eventually furthering as Board President for numerous years.

Listed below are various other non-profit partnerships that Levere has been honored to partake in:

  • Everyday Democracy
  • Plan of CT 
  • Journey Home / A Hand Up 
  • The Bridge Family Center 
  • CT Association for Human Services
  • HEDCO Inc. 
  • Brain Injury Alliance CT 
  • Dialysis Clinic, Inc.
  • Compass Youth Collaborative 
  • New Samaritan Corporation 
  • American Cancer Society 
  • Connecticut AFL-CIO 

Sentry Commercial values the relationships built within the CRE industry. Our team has found significant importance in partnering with nonprofit organizations, as nonprofits provide critical services to the community while building economic stability. Nonprofits strengthen communities, especially as they come together to build on their legacy and their essential rule to the future. Our team finds it honorable and rewarding to belong to projects that have an impact on the legacy of our community and beyond.


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Building Foundations Breakfast

CaringCommunityCollaboration.  This hits on three of Sentry Commercial’s core “C’s”!!  Could not be prouder to participate in and support THE signature Greater Hartford Commercial Real Estate event in 2021.  The Building Foundations breakfast is scheduled for February 4, 2021 and will provide resources to the Greater Hartford CT area to help prevent children and families from slipping into homelessness.  It is a COLLABORATIVE effort of many in this region’s commercial real estate community. SO cool to see and such a great cause!  All us at Sentry Commercial are grateful to be part of such a fantastic community.

Interested in Participating? Click here.

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