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Developer Seeks Additional Year for Due Diligence on Proposed 3 Million-Square-Foot Amazon Facility in Waterbury and Naugatuck

According to the Hartford Business Journal, A developer aiming to establish a large Amazon distribution facility on a 157.1-acre site in Waterbury and Naugatuck has requested an additional year for due diligence and permitting, though they remain confident in the project. Bluewater Property Group had originally secured an 18-month due diligence period under a $2.5M purchase agreement with the two towns, set to expire in November. The Naugatuck Board of Mayor and Burgesses unanimously approved the extension, while Waterbury’s Board of Aldermen is scheduled to discuss it at a special meeting on October 30. The project involves a massive, multi-level robotic-sort facility of up to 3 million square feet affiliated with Amazon.

Click Here: Developer proposing up to 3M-sq.-ft. Amazon facility in Waterbury/Naugatuck seeks extra year for due diligence for more information.

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