The “Experts” Don’t Always Know
Remember…the “experts might know more than the average bear” but they don’t know everything. Recent news about Talcott Financial Group moving its Windsor offices to 52,000 square feet in downtown Hartford made me think…wasn’t it just two years ago that everyone (including me) was telling you all it was likely that companies would move OUT of the cities and into the tranquil suburbs (moving closer to its employees and having more elbow room)? Hub & Spoke at the very least. OK, you can’t paint everything with one brush BUT theory number 2 is that companies move INTO the city where their employees have stuff to do and places to go (lunch and after work). (not to mention new offices and cooler space!).
Sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Keep smiling!
See Hartford Business Journal article Windsor insurer announces plans to relocate to downtown Hartford