Trade War
Recent article from MassLive re: CRRC MA’s vocal response to President Trump’s trade war with China. CRRC. CRRC’s concern is the effect on the growth of their new plant in Springfield MA.
I have been asked by a number of people how the trade war is affecting the industrial real estate market in the region. The answer is…I am finally starting to hear more and more in the market that the proposed tariffs are putting a strain on growth and certain companies are taking their foot off the accelerator a little bit. In the words of one local company…we haven’t stopped our plans for growth but they (our plans) are tempered a bit until the trade wars settle down.
Certainly not putting the foot on the brake…but maybe starting to coast a little bit. Time will tell if it has a significant effect on the industrial real estate market.
We’ll keep you posted!
Keep smiling!
See attached MassLive article: Trump Tariffs